Sunday, 6 January 2013

Project 365 Redux: 5th Jan 2013 - Write my name with my feet

Before I continue, I should give props to everyone who has gotten on board with what is the reason why I'm likely to start drinking before this year is up.  Some have said that I apparently have found my niche in life (which I'm taking as a compliment) and others have declared me to be insane (which may well be the case).  Either way, people are paying attention and I hope to have a lot more of you watching when I get to 31st December 2013 - commit suicide via live web cam broadcast.

A special heartfelt 'big up' must go to the denizens of the forum at (or judging by recent conversation about my thinning hair, the Vidal Sassoon fan club) - getting some good ideas from there from badgers and the like and it's a pleasure to have you here. Yes, Deadly, even you sweetheart.  Even you.

(As an aside, you'd be hard pushed to find a farmyard animal I haven't topped off in some capacity...)

So, now that we've got you lot out of the way, let's focus on me again shall we?  In fairness, your acquiescence matters little - it's my blog and I'll talk about myself if I want to...

Those of you who have known me for a long time will know that I am in fact a mutant.  Sadly, I very much doubt I would make it into the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters as I don't possess the powers of flight, super strength or the ability to fire laser beams from my ringpiece. The latter of those I find particularly upsetting as it would have made making friends at school that much easier.

I digress... my mutation is that of the extra toe. Well, two, one on each foot. Sharing the wealth.

Six toed pen prep...

One of my finest memories was a friend of mine with a foot fetish being truly repulsed by the idea of someone having six toes. Made a pleasant change from being repulsed by my face (which upon first glance does resemble a hippo's undercarriage).

So anyway, with these extra toes adding balance and poise to the fairly simple task of writing my name with my feet, how could this possibly go wrong?

How a foot with Parkinson's Disease signs things...

Ok, so it looks uncannily like I was doing this on one of those power plates and being jiggled about a bit. The point is, not done it before and have now done it. I'm taking it.

Also, I'm really not happy about the colour of the carpet.

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