Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Project 365 Redux: 1st Jan 2013 - Watch the 'Sex and The City' movie...

Happy New Year!

I say happy - this is how I've chosen to kick it off...

Kill me.  Kill me now.
The Two Disc Extended Cut with added misery and backstage footage of Sarah Jessica Parker caught with her face in a nosebag (because folk thinks she looks like a horse, innit...).  Let it be known that under normal circumstances, there is no way on Earth that I would even have this in the house but my beloved girlfriend (who even at this early stage could easily be described as 'long suffering'...) is doing her bit to support me in this endeavour (despite proclaiming "does this mean there are going to be days where I don't get to see you because you're going to be off doing something stupid?") and she happened to have it kicking about.  Apparently this year of humiliation and degradation is going to start with the mental torture.

To reassure you: I did indeed watch the movie, which centres around SJP getting jilted at the altar by Chris Noth (more impressive in Law & Order for my money), Cynthia Nixon being angry and ginger (not necessarily in that order), Kristen Davies being squeaky and dreadful at acting and Kim Cattrall... just being Kim Cattrall really.  Jennifer Hudson puts in a decent cameo and is by far and away the most 'real' thing about this movie and was responsible for most of the more heart-warming moments of the film.  By heart warming of course, I mean the "not wanting to run to the kitchen, grab the sharpest knife and paint the walls with my arteral blood" moments.

In fairness, I was warned by the back cover of the DVD where a figure no less impressive than Edith Bowman declared the movie to be "a classic".  Yet I drove on regardless.  I'm committed now.  These things need to be done.

I'm sure Day 2 will be better for both my mind, body and soul...

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