Wednesday 15 May 2013

Project 365 Redux: 9th Jan 2013 - Listen to a Lady Gaga album

I'm fully aware that music taste is subjective and therefore what may float the boat of one may well sink the battleship of another.  I decided to tackle this with the same enthusiasm that I tackled my first challenge (the Sex and the City movie), i.e. none whatsoever.

In fairness, as one of my future tasks will reveal, I really have no grounds for mocking anyone else's musical taste but I do like quite a varied selection of tunes.  I do struggle to get my head around modern pop music though and I'm curious as to whether this is just a sign of getting older (the stereotypical "What on Earth is this racket?") but to me, it all just seems very cookie cutter and a bit soulless, no doubt helped along by Simon Cowell and his musical mulch machine we all like to sit in front of on a Saturday evening every year and support thoroughly hurl invective at.

At the top of the list of things I no longer understand (ranking alongside Deidre from Coronation Street's insistence on still wearing glasses that were considered massive in the 80's - opticians have moved on, get with the programme woman!) is Lady Gaga.  While I'm sure that she does have some modicum of talent, I'm not sure how this finds its way through the meat suit or whatever other kooky marketing schemes her publicists cook up.  Maybe she is a musical genius and I've just never looked beyond her taking up valuable column inches in the press when there could be heartwarming tales of a squirrel's bravery or something.  So, in fairness to her and the wonderful girlfriend (by way of appeasement as her continued suffering in my company could be compared to that of an inhabitant of Guantanamo Bay), I gave her latest opus 'Born This Way' a spin and in order to document this momentous occasion, I present below a track by track review of said event:

Lady Gaga CD. And Emergency Stop tool. Oven Gloves obviously photobombing here...

  1. Marry The Night.  I suspect the night will be asking for a divorce pretty sharpish...
  2. Born This Way.  Or 'Express Yourself' by Madonna.  Lawyers should have been involved
  3. Government Hooker.  Words cannot express how dreadful this truly is
  4. Judas.  Actually quite lively.  I imagine this would have gone down a treat at the Last Supper
  5. Americano.  More Mexican/Spanish immigrant.  I would have preferred this one personally...
  6. Hair. Apparently "she is her hair".  The lovely girlfriend (who at this point was ready to take to me with the spanner) explained that it's a metaphor. So that's alright then
  7. Scheibe. Yes, it was. Depressing Europop at its most dreary
  8. Bloody Mary. Several of these would have made this ordeal more bearable
  9. Bad Kids. Bad riffs more like it
  10. Highway Unicorn (Road to Love). Poker Face Part 2. Without the charm
  11. Electric Chapel. More bad riffs 
  12. You and I. Didn't actually mind this one. I will now assume that Hell has in fact frozen over. Can anyone living in Telford verify this?
  13. The Edge of Glory. The edge of sanity in my case, although there was a very pleasant sax solo.

So yeah, there's another one down.  How many more of these kind of things I can get through until the wonderful love of my life decides to put me in a sack and dispose of me humanely in the canal remains to be seen...

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