S'up people... greetings from the blogosphere.
Before anyone starts, I know I've not updated this in a while. I'm not a professional blogger so dry your eyes. I doubt the two followers have missed my input that much. They may have missed my sweet, sweet loving but to be honest, they aren't made of wood...
Anyway, enough of the homoeroticism (for at least 10 mins)... those of you who read my last post will know that I had good intentions of doing the Nottingham leg of the Men's Health 'Survival of the Fittest' this year in aid of the The Wayne Foundation. This isn't happening folks... my life has been nothing short of chaotic the past few months and I've lacked motivation for pretty much everything.
However, I WILL be doing the Manchester leg of aforementioned race on Sat Nov 3rd, this time for a charity a little closer to home (if you read this Jamie, The Wayne Foundation will get the next sponsored gig I do, promise!). The charity in question is the Willow Wood Hospice in Ashton. The reasons why will be immediately obvious to some, not so to others, so I guess some kind of explanation is in order.
There are two main motivations here. One is a burning desire to, with my 35th birthday looming, actually acheive something that is going to make a difference to someone's life. Admittedly, this will be a drop in the ocean but screw it - it's a step in the right direction. The other motivation is for a friend who benefitted greatly from the help and support that the Willow Wood Hospice gave them and while they sadly passed away last year, I've been planning for a while to put something into action and give a little something back and that opportunity has presented itself here.
Practically, this is a really dumb idea - I have essentially just under 10 weeks to get myself into some kind of shape to get this done and I'm already painfully aware that this is going to be damn hard work. Then again, when was anything worth while doing not hard work?
Your part, gentle readers, is twofold. I need your support and I need your money. Make no mistake, the second one is by far and away the main reason for this so don't be tight - chuck a few quid their way and stuff gets changed. I will however probably be suffering a fair bit over the next few weeks as I embark on this venture, so any encouragement, however small, will be much appreciated. I've set a target of £500 but I want more. I want to smash that target to pieces. Let's make it happen.
Sponsor me here: http://www.justgiving.com/Mikeediablo
I'm doing the hard part. Your part is easy. Get on it people.
Take it easy.
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